Discover your
Personality type
Get insight into the qualities which will make you
magnetic, powerful and successful in life
How we can help you

Personality Profile
Discover your most important personal qualities and identify your Personality Type.

Identity Profile
Discover the path to greater meaning and your Soul Type’s qualities and purpose.

Talent Profile
Do what you’re good at: we describe your top talents and significant skills.

Potentials Profile
From weakness to strength: we describe the potential hidden in your limitations.
What is JivaYou?
JivaYou means unique identity in Sanskrit. Our personality tests are about you. JivaYou means 'The Unique Identity in You'.

What are the Seven Types?
There are seven psychological types, each expressing particular qualities that condition our body, emotions and ways of thinking, as well as our Personality and Soul Types. We describe your types.
what do our customers say?

“An amazing and advanced profile.”

“JivaYou opened a door to a peaceful space inside.”