What is a Soul Type?
We can all experience deep and meaningful happiness when we live according to our soul’s purpose. Many compare this experience to coming home; it is a sense of belonging and fulfilment that energises us and motivates us to contribute to the world.
This state of being is available to us when we are in touch with our Soul Type and soul path.
We call it a path because we are invited to go on a journey towards realising our potential.
On this journey we are inspired by a specific motivation and joy. Some experience this motivation as power, others as love, intelligence, creativity, knowledge, faith or results.


The Hero’s Motivators
You seek influence using your ability to connect with powerful people, and to be in the centre of power. When motivated by your Soul, you use your power to create growth and development for other people, not merely to gratify your own ego.
You need to be free, to make independent decisions and have full control over your life. You seek freedom for yourself and others by removing limitations, thus helping everyone pursue their own goals.
You seek greatness. You have a need to create something big and visionary that makes the future more magnificent, and you put yourself at the front.
When POWER is your Soul Type’s primary motivator, leadership gives you meaning and purpose in life. You are influenced by the Hero archetype that is guiding you on your journey of self-realisation. If you are motivated by POWER you are a natural born leader who influences the world around you. Grounded and centred, you are tough enough to withstand great pressure. You are also a natural pioneer, seeking to break new ground, reaching for the heights and fighting for your beliefs.
You are the Hero who risks everything to make a positive difference in the world. You display willpower and strength and are influenced by the dynamic type.
The VIP-list
If POWER is your primary motivator you are in good company, along with Nelson Mandela, Winston Churchill, Felix Baumgartner, Eleanor Roosevelt, Amelia Earhart, Bernard Montgomery, Junko Tabei.
Your being-doing balance
For you to live a more fulfilled life, your Soul Type needs to become balanced with your Personality Type. The soul expresses the ‘being’ side of your nature, while the personality expresses the ‘doing’ side. When you can achieve being-doing balance, you will be more able to fulfil your life purpose.

The Illuminator’s Motivators
You seek insight using your ability to empathically connect with people and situations. You understand the bigger picture.
You seek relationships that are meaningful and want to create better communities.
You seek unity, which reflects your need to connect deeply with the world around you. You have a strong desire to experience and communicate profound unity.
When LOVE is your Soul Type’s primary motivator, love gives you meaning and purpose in life. You are influenced by the Illuminator archetype that is guiding you on your journey of self-realisation. If you are motivated by LOVE, you are a humanist seeking good relationships with people, animals and nature. You are on a quest for knowledge and understanding that will further human evolution and the expansion of consciousness. You are kind-hearted and service orientated; you are happiest when you can connect with those around you.
The VIP-list
If LOVE is your primary motivator you are in good company, along with Roberto Assagioli, Oprah Winfrey, Dalai Lama, Abraham Maslow, Maria Montessori, Marianne Williamson, Florence Nightingale.
Your being-doing balance
For you to live a more fulfilled life, your Soul Type needs to become balanced with your Personality Type. The soul expresses the ‘being’ side of your nature, while the personality expresses the ‘doing’ side. When you can achieve being-doing balance, you will be more able to fulfil your life purpose.

The Genius’s Motivators
You seek overview using your ability to connect different fields of knowledge that will give new perspectives and make a positive difference in the world.
You seek inspiration to form new ideas that can expand knowledge and understanding within your field.
You seek networks by communicating new information to different people, developing links to new fields of expertise and collaborations.
When INTELLIGENCE is your Soul Types’ primary motivator, creating new ideas and innovation gives you meaning and purpose in life. You are influenced by the Genius archetype that is guiding you on your journey of self-realisation. If you are motivated by INTELLIGENCE, you are the innovator who discovers new solutions. Developing new ideas, envisioning new scenarios, encapsulating complex relationships in elegant formulations – such as E=MC2 – give you a deep sense of meaning and satisfaction.
The VIP-list
If INTELLIGENCE is your Soul Type’s primary motivator you are in good company, alongside Søren Kierkegaard, Albert Einstein, Ken Wilber, Simone de Beauvoir, Bill Gates, Margaret Hamilton.
Your being-doing balance
For you to live a more fulfilled life, your Soul Type needs to become balanced with your Personality Type. The soul expresses the ‘being’ side of your nature, while the personality expresses the ‘doing’ side. When you can achieve being-doing balance, you will be more able to fulfil your life purpose.

The Artist’s Motivators
You seek creativity through transformation and renewal. You understand opposites and can see all sides of an issue. Your stories and creative expression reconcile differences and touch people’s hearts. Your creativity connects the old with the new, and the unconscious with the conscious.
You seek transformation by engaging with the dark, weird and grotesque to find their inherent meaning.
You seek beauty by translating all of life’s diversity into works of art that bring joy and wonder to the world.
When CREATIVITY is your Soul Type’s primary motivator, being creative gives you meaning and purpose in life. You are influenced by the Artist archetype that is guiding you on your journey of self-realisation. If you are motivated by CREATIVITY, creating happiness and beauty out of conflict will give you a deep sense of meaning. You can create harmony because of your psychological insights and understanding of the power of creativity.
The VIP-list
If CREATIVITY is your Soul Type’s primary motivator you are in good company, alongside John Lennon, Pablo Picasso, Meryl Streep, Ludwig van Beethoven, Georgia O’Keeffe, C.G. Jung.
Your being-doing balance
For you to live a more fulfilled life, your Soul Type needs to become balanced with your Personality Type. The soul expresses the ‘being’ side of your nature, while the personality expresses the ‘doing’ side. When you can achieve being-doing balance, you will be more able to fulfil your life purpose.

The Explorer’s Motivators
You seek truth using your analytical and research skills, which enable you to uncover facts and connections.
You seek new discoveries that can improve the quality of life through the development of new technology, knowledge, and understanding of nature and humanity.
You seek precision by paying attention to detail. You gather facts methodically and discover new connections and knowledge.
When KNOWLEDGE is your Soul Type’s primary motivator analysis and exploration give you meaning and purpose in life. You are influenced by the Explorer archetype that is guiding you on your journey of self-realisation. When you are motivated by KNOWLEDGE the discovery of knowledge that makes a difference in the world fulfills you. Your research leads to a technical breakthrough and new knowledge.
The VIP-list
If KNOWLEDGE is your Soul type’s primary motivator you are in good company, alongside Charles Darwin, Jane Goodall, Sigmund Freud, Marie Curie, Thomas Edison, Roald Amundsen.
Your being-doing balance
For you to live a more fulfilled life, your Soul Type needs to become balanced with your Personality Type. The soul expresses the ‘being’ side of your nature, while the personality expresses the ‘doing’ side. When you can achieve being-doing balance, you will be more able to fulfil your life purpose.

The Visionary’s Motivators
You seek perfection by dedicating yourself to your heart’s calling– and in this way you are a source of faith, optimism and engagement to the people around you.
You seek the future, which represents unrealised opportunities that you are determined to realise.
You seek authenticity by showing the world that we can achieve the impossible if we focus our attention, commitment and passion steadfastly.
If FAITH is your Soul Type’s primary motivator, faith in yourself, a cause or an ideal will give you meaning and purpose in life. You are influenced by the Visionary archetype that is guiding you on your journey of self-realisation. When you are motivated by FAITH pursuing a cause that you are passionate about is deeply meaningful to you. You are a visionary, aware of how the world could be if only we all did what’s right. Your FAITH and commitment uplift you and your surroundings to a higher level.
The VIP-list
If you FAITH is your Soul Type’s primary motivator you are in good company, alongside Desmond Tutu, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Malala Yousafzai, Abdul Khan, Helen Keller.
Your being-doing balance
For you to live a more fulfilled life, your Soul Type needs to become balanced with your Personality Type. The soul expresses the ‘being’ side of your nature, while the personality expresses the ‘doing’ side. When you can achieve being-doing balance, you will be more able to fulfil your life purpose.

The Creator’s Motivators
You seek efficiency by coordinating people and resources around a common purpose and optimal work processes.
You seek results by optimising your resources and making the most of what you have, creating something special out of almost nothing.
You seek elegance in the physical world. You want your creations to be perfect examples of elegant design, efficiency and the intelligent use of resources.
When RESULTS is your Soul Type’s primary motivator, working towards practical excellence give you meaning and purpose in life. You are influenced by the CREATOR archetype that will guide you on your journey of self-realisation. When you are motivated by RESULTS manifesting an idea is meaningful to you. You turn dreams into realities using your ability to orchestrate and organise a process from idea to outcome.
The VIP-list
If RESULTS is your Soul type’s primary motivator you are in good company, alongside Arianna Huffington, Steven Spielberg, Alvar Alto, Frank Lloyd Wright, Anita Roddick.
Your being-doing balance
For you to live a more fulfilled life, your Soul Type needs to become balanced with your Personality Type. The soul expresses the ‘being’ side of your nature, while the personality expresses the ‘doing’ side. When you can achieve being-doing balance, you will be more able to fulfil your life purpose.