What is JivaYou?
Jiva means “unique identity” in the ancient language of Sanskrit. Our name JivaYou means "your unique identity”. Our vision is to help you to unlock your potential and realise your life purpose.
JivaYou's founders have drawn upon a lifetime of experience in therapy, coaching and spirituality to develop a practical psychology that is based upon the seven types described in Psychosynthesis Typology.
Our system begins by helping you to identify your Personality Type. We also offer a more complex typology that describes how we are each made up of psychological qualities that are expressed through the five levels of body, emotion, thought, personality and essence (or soul). Indeed, rather than being one type, you will discover you are a combination of types at five levels, with each level having its own potential for development.
Our profiling will provide you new information about yourself by offering a description of your unique psychological DNA, which refers to the qualities, motivations and potential that influence how you live, work, relate to others and fulfil your life purpose.
Our approach differs from other typologies in that we are able to offer a highly detailed and comprehensive personal profiling that draws upon both modern psychology and ancient wisdom.
Our motto is: We love types – all types!
The better you know your typology, the more equipped you will be to apply specific methods to help develop your potential and become the best possible version of who you are.

We bring more than 30 years of experience working in therapy, coaching and spirituality

Kenneth Sørensen is a trained social worker, teacher and psychotherapist. He has an MA in Psychosynthesis and extensive experience of teaching and supervising within the field of psychosynthesis and the seven types.
Søren Hauge has a Magister Degree in the History of Ideas and Philosophy and is a spiritual teacher and coach.
To develop the psychology behind JivaYou’s psychological profiling, we have drawn upon our extensive practical experience and our studies in psychology, the perennial philosophy and integral philosophy.
Kenneth and Søren have authored books on psychology and spirituality. Kenneth's latest book, The Seven Types, explores Psychosynthesis Typology. Read more about Kenneth and Søren or about The Seven Types.
About JivaYou's technological platform and its development
We have spent years developing JivaYou’s technological platform. Jesper Bundgaard is our project manager. He has worked with a number of skilled developers to create a system that supports and facilitates the Seven Types.
Jesper has extensive experience working with online systems and project development. His technological expertise, combined with his knowledge of the Seven Types, has made it possible to create the link between psychology and technology that can be found in the JivaYou system.
Our technological system is evolving; we continue to improve features and develop new functionalities. Our lead developer is in charge of the ongoing development of the system together with a team of technicians.