Personality Profile
Soul Profile

Describes your Soul Type.
84 questions – takes 30 minutes
Cannot be purchased separately.
84 questions – takes 30 minutes
Cannot be purchased separately.
Identity Profile
Talent Profile
Potential Profile

Describes your strongest limiters
and their potential.
168 questions – takes 45 minutes. 58 $
Coming Soonand their potential.
168 questions – takes 45 minutes. 58 $
Complete Profile
*When you upgrade your JivaYou profile, all completed profiling answers will be retained and carried forward to your new JivaYou profile.
** When buying the Identity, Talent and Potential Profile separately you are upgraded FOR FREE to the Complete Profile, thereby getting access to the bonus materials: the 11 psychological balances.
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Eskildsgade 34, 1657 København V
Phone: +45 31 31 13 39
CVR: 35037748