Why is JivaYou unique?
JivaYou is unique because of its combination of simplicity and complexity. Based on the development of the seven psychological functions, it is possible to map the user’s Soul type, personality type, talents and limitations that unfold on five levels: body, emotions, thoughts, personality and Soul.
The very unique thing about JivaYou is the simplicity of the model, which is based on the seven psychological functions we all share. We can all access these functions but not equally, thus creating recognizable differences between people and groups in the world. The seven psychological functions also unfold on five different levels. Our personality is like a five-story building with body, feelings, thoughts, personality and Soul. JivaYou maps out how the user’s development of types, talents and limiters unfolds in these areas. This also makes JivaYou a complex and in-depth identity profile, because we map the development stage of each talent from potential to top talent, and the development of each limitation towards its inherent talent. JivaYou is a test you can come back to repeatedly in order keep track of your personal development.
Who is JivaYou for?
JivaYou is for everyone who’s interested in personal development – both in their private and professional life – and who is looking for a unique profiling tool that can enhance their self-perception and professional skills.
What sort of personality testing tool is JivaYou?
JivaYou provides insight into ourselves as individuals (being) well as our behaviours (doing). The 4 different test consists of a total of more than 500 statements that give you a precise description of how you see yourself. They test the degree of contact you have with the seven psychological functions and the qualities these unfold in the personality. This overview provides you with a new perspective on what you are and what you may become. JivaYou also generates advice that can help you reach the next level of your personal and professional development.
What is the source and inspiration for JivaYou?
JivaYou is based on 3 central elements:
- Psychosynthesis (the psychology of Roberto Assagioli).
- Integral psychology and the perennial philosophy.
- The team’s intention to create a developmental tool that is accessible, user friendly and advanced.
Søren Hauge and Kenneth Sørensen have, together with a team of IT specialist, developed JivaYou.
Research on the brain has shown that we have several types of intelligences, and we have incorporated the seven psychological functions: will, feeling, thought, imagination, logic, passion and action. It is essential for our well-being that we can utilise all of these. We also have a range of natural skills, which explains why some activities are easy for us whilst others are difficult and complicated.
Research in positive psychology shows that happiness can be so many things; physical, mentally, and deep meaningful happiness – and there are individual differences. This is why a detailed profile is required to discover the essence of what defines an individual’s experience of meaning and happiness.
What is the soul?
The Soul is our inner core that gives us identity and meaning beyond the ego’s basic need for security, relationship and status. It guides us to meaningful happiness and to make a difference in the world. The Soul connects us to greater social, cultural and spiritual wholeness. We all have something unique to offer, something that contributes to the true, the good and the beautiful in the world. When we are connected to The Soul we experience deep, meaningful happiness, and a sense of coming home. From the seven psychological functions emanates seven different motivations: Power, Love, Intelligence, Creativity, Knowledge, Faith and Result, each containing psychological qualities from the archetype providing psychological energy to the motivator. Our soul can be governed by the archetype of the Hero, Illuminator, Genius, Artist, Explorer, Visionary or Creator. We can say that The Soul is the quality that is meaningful for us to unfold, to the benefit and joy to everyone around us. We balance The Soul with personality in order to harmonise being and doing. You can read more about the soul types here.
What is the purpose with JivaYou?
The purpose is to offer individuals and groups a unique identity profile that will help them discover their identity, talents, and limitations. The profile also helps them transforming their limitations into strengths.
What is potential?
A potential is a latent skill or talent, similar to an acorn that has the potential to become an oak tree.
What is JivaYou?
JivaYou is an online identity profile that is based on the individual development of seven psychological functions, which gives an overview of your Soul type, personality type, top talents and top limitations.
JivaYou is a holistically oriented identity profile. With the seven psychological functions as a starting point your development is assessed within these seven areas. Your development of the will, feeling, thought, imagination, passion, and action is mapped out showing your dominant Soul and personality type, a range of top talents and top limitations giving you insights into your natural identity, where your strengths are and how you can assert yourself in the best possible way in life. JivaYou describes 7 different Soul types, 14 personality types, 63 talents and 56 limitations, as well as many interesting intelligences and balances.
What is an introvert?
Introversion is a behaviour primarily directed towards the inner domain of consciousness including thoughts, feelings and images, and specific talents and limitations. JivaYou distinguish between introvert and extrovert variation of the types, talents and limitations.
What is an extrovert?
Extroversion is a behaviour primarily directed towards the external world of living beings and things. JivaYou distinguish between introvert and extrovert variation of the types, talents and limitations.
What is an energy type?
Each of the seven psychological functions unfolds in action through an energy type and a number of core qualities. Emotions are expressed, for example, through the sensitive energy type and its core qualities. Typically, the sensitive core qualities will be prominent in an individual’s behaviour if they have a well-developed feeling function.
As we unfold our psychological being we express certain types of qualities through our body, emotions and thoughts. Each psychological function gives a particular behaviour and type, we call it an energy type because the qualities a person radiates can be perceived as psychological energy.
The will expresses itself as the dynamic energy type that is focused, powerful and strong.
Feeling expresses itself through the sensitive energy type that is empathic and mild.
Thought unfolds through the mental energy type, which is highly communicative, reflective and organised.
Imagination expresses itself as the creative energy type, which is playful, spontaneous and visual.
Logic unfolds through the analytical energy type, and the behaviour is focused, factual and considered.
Passion comes through the dedicated energy type, and the behaviour is devotional, idealistic and optimistic.
Action is connected to the practical energy type, and the behaviour is sensible, organised and result-oriented.
When considering the introverted and extroverted versions of the above, we get fourteen archetypal roles. That is, one energy type generates two archetypes. The introverted dynamic energy type is, for example, the tough and reliable manager who is supporting his team in the background, whereas the extroverted expression is the dynamic pioneer who leads the way.
What is an archetype?
An archetype is a collectively inherited idea, image or role, that humanity over the course of history has charged with psychological power. These images and roles is a part of the collective unconscious- which all of humanity shares. The king, the mother, hero, and child are example of such archetypal images that we all share. They contain information we understanding instinctively and are therefore effective to use as symbols for attributes common to all people. JivaYou uses 21 different archetypes connected to the Soul and personality types, 63 archetypes connected to talent types and 56 in connection to the limitations.
What is a talent?
A talent is a potential you have developed to become a skill or quality. We all have talent potentials, but we may not have developed all our potentials to a top talent.
We all have the potential to will, because will is a psychological function. It is part of our psychological DNA, but not everyone has developed their will sufficiently to make independent and conscious choices. Some people instinctively follow the values of their social group. There’s several stages in the development of a talent:
- Talent potential: At this level the talent is hardly noticeable or anything you have given much thought. This could be the assertiveness you recognise in others but fail to see in yourself. It is still a talent that you may develop, or not.
- Talent ability: At this level the talent is developing into a skill. You know that you are in touch with a talent potential. You may have a hobby where you apply your assertiveness, or you use this specific skill on occasions or in situations where you feel safe.
- Talent quality: At this level the talent is fully developed as a quality of your personality that you use personally or professionally. You, and other people, experience yourself as being assertive, or you have a work role where you express your assertiveness. You have developed substantial insight and knowledge about assertiveness within your field.
- Top talent: At this level your talent is particularly well developed. You are a notable person and trendsetter within your field. You creatively master your talent in many different relationships and circumstances. You are raising the bar within your filed, and you express the talent emotionally and practically.
What is a psychological function?
A psychological function is a way of experiencing reality, it is a particular perspective that colours our interpretation of our experiences. JivaYou are using seven psychological functions, each with a particular set of characteristics and qualities.
The Swiss Psychiatrist Carl G. Jung included four psychological functions in his model of the personality, but JivaYou works with seven functions. Will, feeling and thought are the three basic functions and when they are combined imagination, logic, passion and action emerge. We are more or less identified with these functions. Some people experience reality primarily through their thinking function and they interpreted the world rationally. They tend to distance themselves from their emotions and maintain a reflective position instead of experiencing and expressing them in the way the sensitive type does. They interpret reality with precision, use theories and display excellent communication skills. All types have their specific strengths and limitations. Each psychological function can also have an introverted or extroverted expression, thinking can be directed inwards though reflections and theorising, or outwards though communication. This makes it possible to distinguish between 14 different types and talents for each psychological function.
What is a personality?
Our personality helps us to create an independent identity so we can make choices as individuals and set clear goals for ourselves and our lives. When our personality is integrated we can step into character and take control over our lives.
Personality is about the development of a healthy ego that enable us to actualize our ambitions and needs for status- basically a healthy foundation for our individual happiness. The ability to make free choices is a prerequisite for our ability to create a life based on our own personal values. We must know ourselves and what we want and need. The JivaYou profile clarifies this, because it will be revealing your preferred values and qualities in connection to your personality. These qualities are coloured by one of the seven psychological functions that to a large extent is the motivational core of the personality, that which we find great joy in unfolding when we are creating or own particular way of life. These motivations are: Power, Love, Intelligence, Creativity, Knowledge, Faith, and Result. To learn more about personality types click here. The personality type must be balanced with the Soul so that our doing is an expression of our authentic selves – our Soul type.
What is a limitation?
A limitation is an aspect of our personality that is immature or unbalanced, and that is blocking the realization of our potentials. It keeps us stuck at a certain level of development.
It can be an oppressive, seductive or pleasure-oriented behaviour that create major problems in our lives, but it does contain a growth potential. The limitation can generate a talent when we understand the developmental dynamics at work. This process is described in detail in JivaYou’s Identity Profile.
What does JivaYou offer when I have completed the test?
We offer coaching, courses and lectures that help you to understand the types, talents and limitations in your private and professional roles, in leadership, team development and social settings.
Our coaches can help you understand your profile better and they support you with the development of those areas you may find particularly challenging. You can also access courses and presentations based on your individual needs. JivaYou is used in team development and areas requiring increased social understanding, and we offer consultancy services agreed upon request.
We are working on a development program which, through ongoing online contact supported by consultants, keep the user at the forefront of their development opportunities based on their talents and limitations.
What are psychological levels?
Every human being is like a five-story building, where each floor has its needs, qualities and talents. The body is the foundation, our emotions, thoughts, personality and soul each contribute to the overall core identity.
We can understand our personality as a building, an inner house, with its unique levels, each with their talents. The ground floor is the body that provides the foundation and vitality to the whole personality. Our body enables physical sensations and actions and we can turn thoughts and feelings into something concrete. The first level is the emotional space where we register atmospheres and emotions, so we can sense what is happening in ourselves and others. The second floor is the mental level where we can reflect on our experiences and communicate them to the outside world, as well as understand other people’s experiences. Here we create a common reality mainly through language. The third floor is the level of the personality. Here we can develop goals and plans and coordinate all the physical, emotional and mental talents of the house and focus these on a greater goal for our personal lives. We step into character and take control over our lives and become complete individuals. On the fourth floor we confront the big questions in life. What is the meaning of life? Who am I? How do I make a difference? Here we connect with the greater social, cultural and spiritual whole that we are part of. All levels are equally important, they function as connected vessels, each essential to our realizing our potential and become all we can be.
How does JivaYou define growth?
Growth is defined in JivaYou as the development of self-awareness and the realization of all our human potential and resources for the benefit of all, with a clear goal that brings physical, mental and meaningful happiness.
JivaYou facilitates three types of growth. The first is about gaining maximum awareness about our particular combination of types, talents and limitations. This is the captain of a ship who has a good overview of the strengths and limitations of his own crew and his vessel. The next type of growth is about the development of existing qualities and talents and turning limitations into strengths. Here we are also incorporating new types and talents that complements existing ones. The last type of growth, which is essential, is understanding one’s path. Once you have understood your Soul and personality type, you gain a deep insight into how you can create meaningful happiness.
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